米国で書いた調査報告書が、メールニュース・Work and Family News Groupで紹介された。


1) Renge Jibu, a journalist, visited at CEW, University of Michigan recently, and developed a report on how work and family time stack up in the U.S. vs. Japan. For all my complaints about the U.S. (e.g., public policies, and particularly child care supports, are better in Japan), American dads are the real heroes in the story. They average four times as much time on housework and childcare compared to their Japanese counterparts. Although I'd guess this is changing in Japan, in part this result holds because Japanese women still do alot of housework for their husbands. Those Japanese women who are employed use paid childcare to help make it work, but alot are simply avoiding marriage and kids (time to bring in Sylvia Anne Hewlett :). Great stuff! For the report, see http://www.umich.edu/~cew/research/resreps.htm

 このニュースはペンシルバニア州立大学のRobert Drago教授労働経済学・女性学)が毎週金曜に配信している。読者は約1000人で研究者、学生、政策担当者、メディアで働く人々など。私もミシガンの知人に勧められて去年の春から購読している。ワークライフバランスや女性のキャリアに関する調査報告、書籍情報、全米各地で開かれる学会やワークショップの紹介があり便利である。

